Certified Autism Travel Professional™ (CATP)

Certified Autism Travel Professional™ (CATP)

A Certified Autism Travel Professional™ (CATP) is defined as a professional who has demonstrated that they are both knowledgeable and capable of providing support and travel related services to an individual on the autism spectrum as well as their family. The CATP has gone through the IBCCES Certification program to specialize in autism related needs and accommodations specifically related to travel.

Our  CATP Magic Planners have completed an IBCCES certification program to specialize in travel needs and accommodations for autistic individuals or those with sensory sensitivities. 

Your family can travel with peace of mind, knowing Certified Autism Centers and other certified professionals have made a commitment to welcoming ALL families and individuals, regardless of their needs.

In addition to myself, many of our Magic Planners are also certified, you can recognize them by their title CAPT. Contact one of our Experienced Travel Advisors TODAY! 
